Sunday, July 1, 2007

Peeling skin, peeling McCarren Park, Brooklyn

So I'm recovering from a horrible sunburn (no peeling yet, thankfully) from yesterday at the park in Hoboken, so I decided to take it easy and go to the McCarren Park Poolside Party sponsored by HELIO today and saw some interesting rock bands.

One thing that I noticed was that aside from a few pieces of emerald poolness on the ground (image above) is that there was very little that would make you think this was a pool. But according to a few places online. The park is supposed to be renovated in the next year or so in a $50 million dollar renovation project or roughly the price of 5 two-bedroom apartments in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. But before they do that, they should fill it with water, gelatin, and vodka and make the largest JELLO shooter In NYC history...just a thought.

But on another slightly different note (if you care about infrastructure/landscape design): I was taking the subway home and noticed the bumps on the warning track at the edge of the subway. I remember a friend of mine telling me about why these bumps exist on the edge of sidewalks. I originally thought they were on the sidewalk to give traction to people in wheelchairs when it snows. In fact, they exist to give tactile feedback to people in wheelchairs... in other words, it lets you know that you're about to fall into the tracks or the street by causing your wheelchair to vibrate on the bumbs. That's nice of the engineers to give people some vibes on the way down.