Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hillary Clinton's America: One Nation, Invisible...with Liberty and Justice for All

Hillary Clinton has started the country deep into an election campaign with her first ad: "Invisible"

As far as campaign ads go, I think this is one of the best emotionally. And she doesn't even say the President's name. The ad takes cues from pages of Frank Luntz's book, specifically the part about invoking imagination-- the word "invisible" is mentioned at least 7 times and hinted at more. INVISIBLE is a very powerful word for people who feel powerless and may become the new word for her campaign. We'll see if it has legs among voters though.

She's definitely her husband's wife---which means she knows how to effectively communicate to the emotional turmoil of those who feel disenfranchised. Remember the lip-biting Bill Clinton--big hit, and people felt that he cared. He knew what to say and left the White House with approval ratings of 66%--not bad for an impeached president.

One of the ads weaknesses though is that it's still a negative campaign ad. People don't like to be reminded that their life isn't all it could be or that people are keeping them down. They like to be teased with the dream that it will get better, even when it probably won't. The Kennedy's knew this "Ask not..." and "We choose to go to the moon..." The Kennedy's were great communicators---then again, it didn't hurt that they were attractive too.

I'm sure this ad has been focused-grouped to death. It's already struck a nerve with the George Bush White House: http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/ny-ushill081507,0,5475176.story

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