Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blogging without sunscreen

It's been a while since I've blogged about anything, but here goes. I'll tell about what I observed today at the park in Hoboken overlooking Manhattan. I went to the park today to cook my friendly white skin cells into darker, cancer-prone ones (we'll see if any of them commit suicide and flake off). It was nice to see the families out with their children and everyone else enjoying themselves. The internal family disputes and domestic issues were less obvious on the pretty green mall. The trashy tattoos, however, become much more obvious.

On another note: a large number of overweight and pasty pseudo-travelers began their voyage in a series of large floating buffets (pictured above). After making rude and culturally insensitive comments to the Bahamanian people, they'll come back two shades and 30 lbs heavier. Bon Voyage!

On my way back to the apartment I saw a couple having their wedding photos taken. It was beautiful...especially the little flower girl who didn't like her dress and wouldn't stand still. Precious moments...
I'll have more to come, but until then, ciao.

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